Welcome to the Earth.Org Global Sustainability Index for Portugal, where Earth.Org examines the policies and actions regarding the environment of every nation on earth. Combining the most respected global indexes on pollution, climate change, policy, energy, oceans, biodiversity we have produced an overall Global Index, which will be updated annually. This is the Global Sustainability Index scorecard for Portugal.

Portugal’s National Energy and Climate Plan has been developed in coherence with the draft Roadmap for Carbon Neutrality 2050, and is based on the principles of a circular economy.

The country has set a target for reduced greenhouse gas emissions not covered by the EU ETS at 17% compared to 2005 levels. Portugal is expected to meet this target with a continuation of current policies. It also plans further measures in the building, transport and agriculture sectors.

Portugal plans to reduce energy import dependency to 65% by 2030 from 80% today. While ambitious, this target is realistic given the country’s envisaged deployment of renewable energy. 

Global Sustainability Index Portugal

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Earth.Org Global Sustainability Index Ranking image description: Portugal Rankings – Policy: 102, Pollution: 26, Climate Change: 25, Oceans: 25, Biodiversity: 155, Energy: 6, Earth.Org Global Sustainability Index Ranking 16.