Welcome to the Earth.Org Global Sustainability Index, where Earth.Org examines the policies and actions regarding the environment of every nation on earth. Combining the most respected global indexes on pollution, climate change, policy, energy, oceans, biodiversity we have produced an overall Global Index, which will be updated annually. This is the Global Sustainability Index scorecard for the Seychelles.

As a Small Island Developing State, the Seychelles are among the most vulnerable and heavily affected nations by the impacts of climate change. Sea level rise threatens to swallow its coasts along which 90% of its critical infrastructure is built, while the vibrant marine ecosystems upon which the economy relies are dwindling. The island state’s overall emissions are expectedly low (0.003% of global emissions), yet they are committed to reducing their growing per capita emissions while building crucial climate resilience. 

The Seychelles mitigation strategies are geared toward reducing their energy sector’s emissions, which account for 95% of the total. Because they are the least responsible for climate change, SIDS play an important role in setting an example for a viable, fully sustainable society. The Seychelles displayed their commitment by agreeing to a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement in 2016. It promises a 188ktCO2 reduction in yearly emissions by 2030, with an estimated cost of USD 309 million. 

seychelles global sustainability index

* Our Climate Change Ranking considers this country’s efforts toward climate change insufficient and thus has not ranked it.

** Our Energy ranking considers emission intensity (units of energy per unit of GDP). When one or both are low enough to make their influence negligible on a global scale, the country is left out of the ranking.

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Earth.Org Global Sustainability Index Ranking image description: Seychelles Rankings – Policy: 128, Pollution: 168, Climate Change: N/A, Oceans: N/A, Biodiversity: 16, Energy: N/A, Earth.Org Global Sustainability Index Ranking 190.