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Investing in Mangrove Restoration Could Return USD$11.8Bn by 2040- Report

by Earth.Org Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania Feb 2nd 20214 mins
Investing in Mangrove Restoration Could Return USD$11.8Bn by 2040- Report

According to a new report, global investment in mangrove restoration could return USD$11.8 billion by 2040. The report also outlines the extent to which mangrove forests are underappreciated in their abilities to slow global heating, shield against weather extremes, help halt the runaway extinction of biodiversity and support local economies.

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Chief Executive and Founder of Earth Security, Alejandro Litovsky, says: “The evidence on the value of nature is clear. But we must move faster and more boldly in investing in nature’s assets; from isolated small projects to a planetary scale. This report is the first of many offering the analytics and new investment pathways to do that. We must look to re-purpose every investment option in the toolbox, while creating more agile global networks that aggregate ecological regeneration investments on a global scale. The mind-boggling economic value of mangroves as a climate solution is a perfect example of why investing in natural assets is the route to align ecological and economic returns.”

As part of its report, Earth Security also makes five recommendations to align global finance with mangrove restoration at scale. These include:

Featured image by: Flickr 

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