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Russia Plans to Use its Forests as a Marketplace for Carbon Offsetting

by Earth.Org Europe Mar 24th 20213 mins
Russia Plans to Use its Forests as a Marketplace for Carbon Offsetting

Russia is creating a digital platform to collect satellite and drone data about the carbon absorption capacity of the region’s forests. Authorities in Russia hope to use these forests, specifically an area nearly twice the size of India, as a marketplace for companies to use for carbon offsetting. 

What is Happening?

Alexey Chekunkov, minister for the development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, said in an interview that “Russia has 20% of global forests, so the international community must be fair in that respect. We have the potential to turn them into a massive carbon capture hub.”

Russia’s Forests

Alexey Kokorin, director of the Climate and Energy Program at WWF Russia, says, “The lion’s share of Russia’s plan to cut emissions should be renewable energy, new technology and energy efficiency. Additionally, and with very strict criteria, would come forestry development.”

You might also like: Why Isn’t Russia Ramping Up its Use of Renewable Energy?

Could This Carbon Offsetting Project Work?

Romanovskaya says, “We will need to demonstrate to the international community that calculation of CO₂ absorption in our offset projects is precise, reliable and not a single unit is miscalculated. One mistake, let alone an intentional falsification, and the credibility of our projects may be lost.”

Featured image by: Flickr 


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