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Australia Must Ensure New Coal Project Do Not Harm Children, Court Finds

by Earth.Org Oceania Jun 1st 20212 mins
Australia Must Ensure New Coal Project Do Not Harm Children, Court Finds

The Australia Federal Court ruled on May 27 that Australia’s government will need to ensure that children are not harmed by its decisions to approve coal projects, in a landmark ruling that could have big implications for the country’s fossil fuels industry. 

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He said, “It will largely be inflicted by the inaction of this generation of adults, in what might fairly be described as the greatest intergenerational injustice ever inflicted by one generation of humans upon the next.”

Chris McGrath, an expert on climate litigation, told the Financial Times, “This is a historic win, which will ensure government ministers and even companies have to consider their duty of care to children when making decisions on projects linked to climate change.”

Ava Princi, a 17-year-old student and one of the litigants, said, “I’m thrilled. We understand this is the first time a court of law, anywhere in the world, has ordered a government to specifically protect young people from the catastrophic harms of climate change.” 

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