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Endangered Right Whale Populations are Rebounding

by Earth.Org Americas Apr 7th 20212 mins
Endangered Right Whale Populations are Rebounding

According to reports, critically endangered North Atlantic right whales gave birth to the largest number of calves in six years, offering hope to the right whale species, whose populations have been driven to the brink of extinction because of entanglements with fishing gear and collisions with ships. 

What is Happening?

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Clay George, a wildlife biologist who oversees right whale surveys for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, says, “What we’re seeing is what we hope will be the beginning of an upward climb in calving that’s going to continue for the next five years. They need to be producing about two dozen calves per year for the population to stabilise and continue to grow again.”

Philip Hamilton, a right whale researcher at the New England Aquarium told the AP, “If we reduced or eliminated the human-caused death rate, their birth rate would be fine. The onus should not be on them to reproduce at a rate that can sustain the rate at which we kill them. The onus should be on us to stop killing.”

Featured image by: Flickr 

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